HeY! The title is the chorus of Siapa Ku by Suki. I'm suddenly addicted to this song. Oh yeah, Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, what did you all do today? I did practically nothing. Um, kayh here's the jadual of today: Em, sahur, watch Ben10 and PP, sleep in front of TV, wake up at 9:30, go to bedroom *accidentally* fall back asleep, 10:45 wake up and go bathe, watch Iron Man, go to some flower-garden-shop, tah lah ape, come back home, and, yeah, habis -__-'' Short je lah. Going to do music h/w. Kayh, bye!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Kini ku lebih mengenali SiapaKu
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
6:37 PM
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
You picked the wrong chick to mess with
LOL xD I'm soooooooo addicted to the song Bahaya by Dayang Nurfaizah (ft Mizz Nina). Ughhhhh things just get worse everyday. I hate it. As I expected, we were still in our normal classes. T^T Man, I hate this. I WANT 6 AMANAH BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Teacher rearranged our places. I volunteered to change my place cuz Jashann was so freakin' annoying I really couldn't stand it. ++I was already sitting near Arman and Luqman. I was hoping to change places to sit with some GIRL I hate so I wouldn't get too irritated(teacher only lets us sit down next to our rivals). Why must I sit next to Arif Firetruck, of whom I hate the most???? I merajuk until 12 o'clock. 12 o'clock we had agama, free seating :D Today is the last day of school for the week, and I'm pretty happy about it. Tomorrow I will stay awake after Sahur cuzzzzz I want to? Yeah kott. 3 hours. 3 hours till buka puasa. Hmm. Not too bad. Man, I want to write something. But I can't :P HEEHEE Wah, short post lah kali ni. Kayh, sayonara!!
P.S. Party At a Rich Dude's House mane ade perkataan firetruck(first letter, last three letters)!!! At least not the one I listen to, the clean version, heheh :P
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
3:55 PM
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Take a step back, your too close, kau BAHAYA!
xD Sorry bout that. Listening to Bahaya by Dayang Nurfaizah ft. Mizz Nina. Awesome2 DOWH!!!!Eh, what happened to the rest of the song??? T^T Ha, kayh. Listening to Doodat by The Teh Tarik Crew. I don't particularly like teh tarik.... but they are awesome xD Kayh, school today half suck. xP Pagi ada motivasi kecermelangan, the penceramah awesome gile!! AHHHHHHHHHH The Teh Tarik Crew is awesome. OK, back to subject *zoom* after ceramah, teacher said balik kelas original. I was like, "WTH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" When everybody else was, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Godd, I merajuk sampai rehat :(( Bukannya ape, just that most of the ppl I HATE are in this freakin' class. I thought I was the only one. After rehat we got to stay for the choirs :D Then I sit with Aisya and Mai and Ain. Then Aisya told me she hated the old classes, "No more Haaziq(like I care), no more Aliff :(" Plz understand lah, the class was SO MUCH FREAKIN QUIETER in the new class. The new classes actually maintained a bit of discipline in the 6Ros class(threw MY point of view) but.... 6M... well.... where Kishen goes, noise follows, *sighs deeply* SO DAMN FREAKIN NOISY SAMPAI KELUAR KELASSS!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS 6AMANAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY??? WHY????? *listens to What you waiting for* *sighs* I hope we're back to new classes tomorrow, but I doubt it. Yeah it's crowded, but it's quieter compared to the 36 ppl in Cekap. *shivers* I! WANT! 6! AMANAH!!!!! Hell, Arif Firetruck(ask Izzati to crack the code :O) is in my class, and so is Kevin. Oh, I HATE HATE HATE THIS FREAKIN CLASS HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU. Nothing's right now. Nothing. I'm gonna cry. Huhuhuhuhuhu. Kayh, bye :'(
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
5:47 PM
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
ELLO! Today I did a lot of hitting. It all started today at school in the morning..... NAH, JK!!!! HAHA xD Iya, I mean, about the "It started this morning at school stuff" It started after rehat. Ah, was such a nice day in the morning >< Hung out with Nadhirah AND Aisya. I usually hang out with Aisyatul, but with both Nadhirah and Aisyatul?? Wow, that's a rare sight. Then at class. Had English, finish, then Science. Yippee, no Pn. Shamsinar!! :D But got work one, how could get no work? So got workkkkkkkkkkkkk Heheh. Ah, yeah, just remembered. Before all of this something happened...*flashback* HAHA!!! JK, JK! Flashbacks last WAYYYYYYYYY too long. Anyway, Ruhisha just called my name but when I looked at her she was looking elsewhere. Kayh.... back to the present *zoom* Pn. Shamsinar gave us work, everything went smoothly for the first half hour, until I found out that Ruhisha was calling HAAZIQ, using my name. I got so freakin' angry I had to hold on to the table to ensure I that did not crush my pencil to a hundred pieces. I just finished my work as quickly as I could. When I was done, I passed up to Iman and went to the back where Ruhi was. I hit her like I hit Aisya. Huh, the sakit(kott...). Hit Aisya, cuz she deserves it, ALWAYS. OHO, then things practically got more FUN. Aliff ejek me. Then, HAHA, apa lagi? ^^ Wah, never hit anyone(but my brother) so hard. Fuh, I got a strong hand to hit boys. BOYS BEWARE!!! BUHAHAHA jk, jk, kayh, back to story. I asked Ruhi if she could call me Haaziq, could I call her Omar. She said yeah. So we're even. Thennnnnnnnnn I think Aliff ejek 'Hani & Haaziq'<(HECK NO TO THIS IDEA!!!!! BULL$#!T!! SHANNAROOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) again. Didn't get to hit him. Buttt..... *few minutes later* Going to Aisya & Ruhi's place.... have to pass Aliff. Hit him on the arm. AS HARD AS JUST NOW xD I sat down with Ruhisha (not really, on the floor -.-') and then Aliff looked back (I think) and said, "APAKAH DOSAKU KEPADAMU??????" Aisya laughed, Ruhi laughed, I laughed. :) Haha. Went to Aisya requesting her for something (I think). Aliff beside her. Then they called me you-should-know-already-who again. Gosh, they really DO make a perfect couple.. apa lagi yang harus dibuat daripada memukul mereka. Then Aisya tried to kick me (unsuccesfully) and I halang (succesfully :D) But got my hands dirty. Then mase balik, hit Nadya lak. Cuzz yeah, you know rite? *sigh* I'm like WTH IS WITH EVERYONE TODAY????? Then saw kakak, who was paying more attention to Aisya(I think) than to me. Go out the gate, seeing Aisya High-5(?) Johan. I was like "Eeeeeeee, Aisyaaaaaaa" then she just said, "Bye... Haaziq" Apatah lagi, PUKULAH!!! HAHAHA. I pukul sampai her watch terjatuh. Wah, I tera(N) :D Haha Done, day over :) Kayh, thazallfortoday..... 
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
3:23 PM
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Friday, August 20, 2010
Heyh! ;3
Yo pplz! Wuzzup??? I haven't blogged for quite a few days now, I know, I was off the internet. I thought my mom banned me, but when I asked her yesterday, she said, "No, as long as you do your work" -________________- Listening to Pyramid by Charice ft. Iyaz. Such a nice song!!! Well, not much to say now, haha. Well, today we had solat hajat as usual. Then we went Maths, teacher gave us work, DUHH! Then english we got our papers back. I got 84% HUHUHUHUHUHU SUCH A BAD MARK DOWH. TT^TT My brother should be at school. He's not sick anymore, but did my grandma listen to me? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo. I didn't get to stay at home when I wasn't sick in the afternoon UNFAIR DATTEBAYO!!! HAH! OK, I dono what now. UGH!!!!!!! Why did teacher had to put Jashann beside Nadhirah, who is sitting right in front of me?? He's so gila annoying -__________-'' Ah, I'm listening to Lady Antebellum, Need You Know, It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you know. So awesome dowh :D Love that part. Ah, about Jashann again. He smelled glue yesterday and we all avoided talking to him, thinking he'll go nuts at any moment? :O So freaky dowh. Listening to Just a Zombie :D VENETIANPRINCESS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Here, I finished my pic in my absence, and ANOTHER pic too. OK. Got two versions of the other pic. Here ya go, all three:
KUCHIYOSE NO JUSTU! (took me forever to do the background, even though it looks simple)
Original, no background
KUCHIYOSE NO JUSTU! (took me forever to do the background, even though it looks simple)
Original, no background
Edited, with background
Well, does you like it? OwO? Don't worry, be honest I won't be mad. :) OK, GTG, BYE!!! ^-^
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
3:49 PM
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Knock Some Sense Into Yourself
AHAKS! You think I meant what I said in my title?? OF COURSE NOT!!! HAHAHAH!!!!! GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, nvm :| Can't stop listening to Sean Paul's Temperature. HAHAH!!!! I also dono why. I'm supposed to be studying -...-'' Well, I AM studying. While blogging! LOL! UGH! t's so hard to concentrate while listening to the song! It actually wouldn't be THAT hard.... just that the Lol Desu Desu pops up in my head when I listen to Temperature. Have you checked out my latest post on my vid blog? WHAT??? YOU DIDN'T??????? YOU HAVE TO!!!!!!! CEPAT!!!! SHOO SHOO!!! GO OPEN IT IN ANOTHER TAB!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! OK, OK, here's the link : http://hanividdies.blogspot.com Kayh, got it? I know I'm not awesome like you guys. HAHA! Well, can't wait for tomorrow! Reasons:
1)EXAM HABIS!!!! YESH!!!!! x3
2)Mom will teach me the background thing!!!
3)I get to Terawih!!! Yayay!!! :DD
Happy-happy-happy-HAPPY!!!! :D Ha..... dono what now :/ Oh wait, yeah. Today after exam I teman Aisya gi toilet. Ruhi was there, so I just take her pass cuz we didn't bring ours. But then it turned out to be 6M's pass. Uh-oh. Shhhhhh AH, What's the point? This is a public blog isn't it? HAHA. Well then, at the toilet Aisya kept calling me "Haaziq, Haaziq" Then you know what I did? Why, OF COURSE I hit her :D LOL, Dia kate gila2 sakit. She kene 2 times in the bathroom. After that, since we went to Block A nye tandas, mestilah dekat dengan dewan, where 6Melati-ans were. Haaziq called Aisya and ejek her Aliff. Then we walk away cuz she was annoyed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Serves her right (N) Then Afif and Hakim called us. And Aisya called me Haaziq again -.-'' and I hit her again and ask her how many time dah kene. "Three" she said. And then I asked if she wanted another one. Then she said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO then she stopped calling me that..... HAHAHAHAHA Kayh, going to go off now. It's distracting me from my studies. Kayh, buh-BYE!
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
8:51 PM
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I Almost Died
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
3:44 PM
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Monday, August 09, 2010
Penolong kelas for the week (Y) ;P
They call me 'Quiet'
But I'm a riot
Always the same!
LOL!! Like the song! UGH!!!!!! I was gonna write something..... (excluding all above)...... but I forgot what it was!!! UGH!!!! Nvm, I'll just end it here, kayh ;P,
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
3:10 PM
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Thursday, August 05, 2010
Smile ;D
Konichiwa, miuchi! LOL :P Yeah, I know, my Japanese teruk :P I just learned the word (miuchi) there's another one, furenzu. LOL should use that? OK, Konichiwa, furenzu! :D LOL xD Well, OK, school today was quite awesome, haha weird right? Before school, OK, well there was some glitters around Ain's place... she didn't realize they were like, super sticky, so when she put her hands on her table and then put her hands on her face she got lots and lots of glitters on her face xD Went round the whole school looking for water. Got some glitters on my hands. LOLOLOLOL OK, and then........................ blajar cam biasa
And then..... yeah, BM pretty much biase... ;P Then Agama, Ustzh didn't come in, AGAIN, and Cikgu Zul Azmi relief, AGAIN, but he totally cracked the class up, IT WAS AWESOME! Haha. First, We did finger excercise. Teacher said we'll need it. We did nilai murni quiz thingey ma bobby... and then my group and Aisya's group got it :D But then Arman's group and Wong's group... didn't get it.... and.... *cough cough* yeah, OK, 6Amanah ppl should know... GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... *akh akh* so yeah... ahah... The next round, (Wong's group and Arman's group only) I think they got it... yeah.... and then,, OK, the 3rd one cam biase, the 4th one, we were to concentrating to teacher saying out the sentence, he was walking, we were quiet, I was trying not to laugh(I'm about to die laughing), and then.... suddenly.............. 

Yeah, he practically scared my soul out, he knocked Iszal's table, and everyone terkejut xD, HEART ATTACK(N)!!!!!HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yeah, totally awesome... ahah... oh, and Haaziq made a total fool outta himself today LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, Hmmm..... I'm done I think........ there's alot of homework.... 2 Esays and one information transfer.... pfft..... Kayh,

The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
3:19 PM
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Sea if Eye Care
LOL. Sorry bout the title. Copied the 7E thing. It's actually See If I care. LOL. OK soooooooooooooooooo I wanted to talk about alot of stuff but I'm always like, to malas to blog, so, y'know... Anywayz, about today and yesterday wasn't much...... friends didn't torture me like they did on Monday... :D And..... Arif threw and ice cube to my head. That BAKA...( And umm..... did practically nothing all day.... mommy came back and we got Maggi at 9:30 at night LOLz :D And then......... sleep. And then wake up this morning and go to school and Haaziq was irritatingly annoying today... O.o Yeah, I know, not much, he's starting to get on my nerve... >:( ... OK, so BYE BYE
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
5:28 PM
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