Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sea if Eye Care

LOL. Sorry bout the title. Copied the 7E thing. It's actually See If I care. LOL. OK soooooooooooooooooo I wanted to talk about alot of stuff but I'm always like, to malas to blog, so, y'know... Anywayz, about today and yesterday wasn't much...... friends didn't torture me like they did on Monday... :D And..... Arif threw and ice cube to my head. That BAKA...( And umm..... did practically nothing all day.... mommy came back and we got Maggi at 9:30 at night LOLz :D And then......... sleep. And then wake up this morning and go to school and Haaziq was irritatingly annoying today... O.o Yeah, I know, not much, he's starting to get on my nerve... >:( ... OK, so BYE BYE 


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