AHAKS! You think I meant what I said in my title?? OF COURSE NOT!!! HAHAHAH!!!!! GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, nvm :| Can't stop listening to Sean Paul's Temperature. HAHAH!!!! I also dono why. I'm supposed to be studying -...-'' Well, I AM studying. While blogging! LOL! UGH! t's so hard to concentrate while listening to the song! It actually wouldn't be THAT hard.... just that the Lol Desu Desu pops up in my head when I listen to Temperature. Have you checked out my latest post on my vid blog? WHAT??? YOU DIDN'T??????? YOU HAVE TO!!!!!!! CEPAT!!!! SHOO SHOO!!! GO OPEN IT IN ANOTHER TAB!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! OK, OK, here's the link : http://hanividdies.blogspot.com Kayh, got it? I know I'm not awesome like you guys. HAHA! Well, can't wait for tomorrow! Reasons:
1)EXAM HABIS!!!! YESH!!!!! x3
2)Mom will teach me the background thing!!!
3)I get to Terawih!!! Yayay!!! :DD
Happy-happy-happy-HAPPY!!!! :D Ha..... dono what now :/ Oh wait, yeah. Today after exam I teman Aisya gi toilet. Ruhi was there, so I just take her pass cuz we didn't bring ours. But then it turned out to be 6M's pass. Uh-oh. Shhhhhh AH, What's the point? This is a public blog isn't it? HAHA. Well then, at the toilet Aisya kept calling me "Haaziq, Haaziq" Then you know what I did? Why, OF COURSE I hit her :D LOL, Dia kate gila2 sakit. She kene 2 times in the bathroom. After that, since we went to Block A nye tandas, mestilah dekat dengan dewan, where 6Melati-ans were. Haaziq called Aisya and ejek her Aliff. Then we walk away cuz she was annoyed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Serves her right (N) Then Afif and Hakim called us. And Aisya called me Haaziq again -.-'' and I hit her again and ask her how many time dah kene. "Three" she said. And then I asked if she wanted another one. Then she said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO then she stopped calling me that..... HAHAHAHAHA Kayh, going to go off now. It's distracting me from my studies. Kayh, buh-BYE!
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