Yo pplz! Wuzzup??? I haven't blogged for quite a few days now, I know, I was off the internet. I thought my mom banned me, but when I asked her yesterday, she said, "No, as long as you do your work" -________________- Listening to Pyramid by Charice ft. Iyaz. Such a nice song!!! Well, not much to say now, haha. Well, today we had solat hajat as usual. Then we went Maths, teacher gave us work, DUHH! Then english we got our papers back. I got 84% HUHUHUHUHUHU SUCH A BAD MARK DOWH. TT^TT My brother should be at school. He's not sick anymore, but did my grandma listen to me? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo. I didn't get to stay at home when I wasn't sick in the afternoon UNFAIR DATTEBAYO!!! HAH! OK, I dono what now. UGH!!!!!!! Why did teacher had to put Jashann beside Nadhirah, who is sitting right in front of me?? He's so gila annoying -__________-'' Ah, I'm listening to Lady Antebellum, Need You Know, It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you know. So awesome dowh :D Love that part. Ah, about Jashann again. He smelled glue yesterday and we all avoided talking to him, thinking he'll go nuts at any moment? :O So freaky dowh. Listening to Just a Zombie :D VENETIANPRINCESS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Here, I finished my pic in my absence, and ANOTHER pic too. OK. Got two versions of the other pic. Here ya go, all three:

KUCHIYOSE NO JUSTU! (took me forever to do the background, even though it looks simple)
Original, no background
Edited, with background
Well, does you like it? OwO? Don't worry, be honest I won't be mad. :) OK, GTG, BYE!!! ^-^
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