Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kini ku lebih mengenali SiapaKu

HeY! The title is the chorus of Siapa Ku by Suki. I'm suddenly addicted to this song. Oh yeah, Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, what did you all do today? I did practically nothing. Um, kayh here's the jadual of today: Em, sahur, watch Ben10 and PP, sleep in front of TV, wake up at 9:30, go to bedroom *accidentally* fall back asleep, 10:45 wake up and go bathe, watch Iron Man, go to some flower-garden-shop, tah lah ape, come back home, and, yeah, habis -__-'' Short je lah. Going to do music h/w. Kayh, bye!


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