LOLOLOLOL I got the title from a book, Classic Insults xD Well, nvm, hari ni gile awesome dowh. First Afif, Dinie, Aisyah (kott?) and Sab pranked Aisya and gave a 'Kad Raya' to Aisya. Aisya looked at it and looked at 'em annoyed. I thought they said something insulting but then when I took it, I didn't realize for the first few seconds a dead roach was on my skirt. Hm, curiosity can be dangerous, eh?xD Ah, you dono where we are, rite? We were at the dewan, and teacher picked the moral boy students to help them prepare the rooms for UPSR. Can't believe Aisya forgot completely that I was in the same room as her -.-''. She was jumping with joy when I reminded her. Then she hugged me and I suffocated for like, a minute. then when she let go I gasped for breath. Can't wait for sekejap lagi. Another hour... tapi I datang awal ckit lah kott. Cuzz Aisya is coming at 5:30 and so am I. I'm probably coming a teensy bit early cuz MakTok has to pick Zarif up. Listening to Blah Blah Blah . PerunaSora ROX!!!!! xD So cut to the chase kid, cuz I know you don't care what my middle name is. xD Aisya bring your phone Aisya bring your phone Aisya bring your phone!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My phone is charging. I hope I don't forget to bring it. Johan's coming with his mom, I am too(no, with MY mom). AISYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MUST BLOG MORE OFTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want your blog URLs, so I can read 'em, Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Kayh bye :D
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