Ignore title XP Umm, kayh, today we didn't learn at class(Y) :O(?) I said at class.... just because we didn't learn at class didn't mean we didn't learn ANYTHING at all >< Ok, ehm.... nigahiga rocks :D LOL, random, random. Umm, uhhhh dono lah :D Today at school was pretty awesome(only because there was no lipas xP) Brought my diary to school. Aynn wrote in it :) Hey, everyone has that kinda book. I have a diary(call it Kiro, I dono why I named it either). That's it, malas nak get another book (save trees!!!!!! CHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! GO NARUTO(and Nagato... *sob*)!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone in the Village is alive again :D I was so freakin sad. Especially when Hinata died :'( Can't wait till Naruto meets his mom(hopefully) :D Kakashi got to meet his dad :')...Nearly cried :O Umm.... OK, wait, hold on a second, WHERE IS TSUNADE????? I NEED TO KNOW WHERE TSUNADE IS/WAS/WTV. WOII!!!!!!!!!!!! TSUNADE SHOULD BE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!Who's going to be the.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr WHY, OF ALL PEOPLE, DID PAIN NOT KILL DANZO????????????????? Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NARUTO AS HOKAGE!!!!!! I VOTE NARUTO AS HOKAGE!!!!!!!! SHANNAROOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Man, I'm obsessed with Naruto. Didn't write anything about school today, eh? Hmmmm malas ah nak tulis.. kayh bye XP
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