Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Finished my book!!!

I finally finished my Skulduggery Pleasent book! It's got like 408 pages!!!Istill got afew pages to finsh.But the main story is finally over!!!Anyway it's about a skeleton called Skulduggery Pleasent.He's an ace detective,a snappy dresser,a razor-tongued wit,a crackerjack sorcerer and walking,talking,fire-throwing skeleton.Stephanie Edgley is probably the main chracter too.She's going to be Skulduggery's partner in the end.It's a weird story I can tell you.There's some magic in it too.But this is real magic.Not just magic tricks well, don't want it to be too long.Anyway, I'm getting sleepy here.I'll publish my next post whenever I publish it.So Long for now!


fashionforward said...

hi my name is camryn im 7 want to be friends.

Nuramelynn said...

Hi Hani !!!1 question , Who is Camryn . I' ve saw her blog .

Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani said...

To amelynn's diary:Dunno... I've seen her blog too. She didn't reply me. I think she's @ the states. She's 7 anyway... we're 10.