Monday, November 30, 2009

A Funny Little Post

Cheezy peesy a little peesy with a little wheepy on top of the cheesy pea soup with a little cherry on the top looks like a tiny apple and tastes like a bananananana in the world of nonsense and it cannot be removed cause its being protected by the ones who are eating it and the ones who are eating it is me, you, him and her, then I dont want it and run away then he runs and she runs and leaves you to eat all the peas in the soup with all the cheezy creammies and the cherry apple banana on top.

In the world of nonsense, there is a nonsense fairy which makes your nonsense wish come true and when your nonsense wish comes true it will be in a nonsense place called nonsense room in nonsense land where Mr. Nonsense and Silly lived and that nonsense room was placed at Mr Nonsense's house in the nonsense living room where all the nonsense events are taken place and when you wake up from your sleep, you find out that all that wasn't TRUE......

Happy animal family called sylvanian family in the sylvanian world surronded by gr8 mother nature and the family im talkin about is the cottontail rabbit family and connie said this to me, "Hey, can I make myself coffee?" she asked and I said yes. And she went in then she came back out and brought me to her dinig table where it was filled with ingredients and she said "Help me Helpme Help me please make two cookies on this big tray," and I said of course Ill help you, but just two? Yes maam yes maam for my mother eats just two so we started cooking and you know what cookie she made? A scone tasted cookie with a little toast in it!


Aisya Zainal said...

haha!!!!!! where did u get those from????

Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani said...

I made it up. I was bored so I just wrote it. note the pea soup with lots of cream on top and the cherry that looks like an apple and tastes like bananananananana