Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sweet IM emoticon time

Hey everybody! Today I have come with several smileys from SweetIM. Say 'Good Morning', Good Morning Smiley.
See how good he is? Now say goodnight. Haha. Now lets cheer for Butter, the Glitter Butterfly. for . Haha. Let me see, who else is here. Scream! Let's hear from Scream, the screaming girl, oww. Ok now let's see.... hmm... Starwberry, why don't you give us a little dance? With your best friend, Watermelon. Nice. Let's 'Save the Earth with Save-i. And look! He brought an emoticon globe! Now let's see, Mr.Scorpio, would you like to come here? . Mrs. Libra? There you are! Let's take a walk with the blinkies now. Mr. Wizard? I invited you to my blog. Where are you? *Poof* Oh Mr. Wizard I hadn't expected you coming here by your spells! Can we see you do some magic? Nice! DJ! Wassup? Give us some music will ya? Now that's more like it. Now let's head for the pool for our Smiley Swiming champions! Who is the winner? Heeheehee. Ok that's all. Now Santa would like to give presents to everyone. Ok now, Smileys. Cheers!

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