Sunday, February 07, 2010
Yesterday at Suria KLCC
Hey there everyone! Yesterday, I went to KLCC. My mum brought me there to watch Avatar. I'll tell you 'bout the movie later. I was at home cuz my mum went to pick up her friend. She wasn't going with us, just going to do something there. First we went to eat. Yummy Yummy. Ate Prosperity. Then its sauce was like all on my hands. I wiped with tissue cuz there was no sink. SO my hands were like dirty all day. That was just first.. well at least the sauce was dry when we got to Kinokuniya with auntie Kris (Mum's friend). I read TSGS 2. Couldnt buy :( Oh well at least I read half the book. Kesian Zarif kena hilang. When we got to the cinema mommy told me she had chachos. And you chachos ade cam... emm.. you know that serbuk thigey?? Yah dat one. Then my hands of course yet again got XTRA dirty. I only got to wash when we got into the car, where there was wet tissue. Oh, and the movie was about DOOM AND DESTRUCTION!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it was a little funny. There was this one part when Grace was dying then when she got to Eywa she said, "I need to take some samples," LOL XD so funny. Well, then malam you know. Hey, I bet you've felt like this before: You got to a movie at 8 at nite, in the middle of the movie {9.00-9.30} it feels like 6 o'clock. But when you get back home, you throw yourself on the bed and 5 seconds later pengsan. LOL kan? well bye byez!
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
12:59 PM
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Monday, February 01, 2010
Hi awesome ppl!! Whatcha doing??? Im doing h/w. Lalala sorry Im bored just wanted to post sumthin......^_^ Nadhirah's got a blog now. Check it out ~ ~ you've just GOT to check out the fish. They're pretty boring but awesome!! LOL bye!!
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
3:06 PM
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