Sunday, February 22, 2009
Visit website!
Hello. Now... just visit this website... its REALLY funny. icanhascheezburger
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
8:47 PM
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Sunday, February 08, 2009
Best day eva!!! ;P
Hello!!!!!!! Guess what????? Today, I went to 1 utama w/ my dad. And then I got 2 cd's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Demi Lovato: Don't Forget & Britney Spears: Circus) And then he got me HSM3 sticker album & Amelia Jane book!!!! Not to mention what we ate today! (McDonald for breakfast & Chili's for lunch!) And I wouldn.t forget my brother GIGANTIC ultraman that only costs RM49.90. And then, more luck when I got home. New coloured tudung!!! Oh yeah, and Zarif got a new magic Kit. Bye-bye!
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
7:03 AM
1 comment:

Sunday, February 01, 2009
Today (3.1.2009)
Hewwo everyone. Guess what happened today? Lots of kkind of funny stuff. First when I woke up I went to the toilet to wash my hand in cold water (because it was like... something on it although there was nothing on it) then I went back to sleep (Well, Half awake...) Then I watched a video about brother was small. About when he was three I think. This was the script:
(Zarif Shows PDA)
Mom: Zarif nyanyi boleh?
(Zarif shakes head)
Zarif: Tak nak.
Mommy, nak susu, nak susu, nak...
Mom:What do you have to say?
Zarif:Please!!! Nak susu! Nak susu!!!
It was very funny! You sshould've watched it! Well, I found my, er, my I think I should call them second kuzens watching TV. They were both boys and watching grown up stuff. They were just about maybe... 12 and... 13? Maybe I guess. Well anyway, we accidentally changed the channel to Astro Ceria and my brother asked us to stop there and watch Thomas & Frenz. Only about 5 or ten minutes and dah habis... then he FORCED us to watch PlayHouse Disney. At least there was like something INTERESTING to watch >Monster Inc.< So we watch sampai habis. In the middle of the show Kakak Sari served us breakfast in front of the TV. (Telur mata kerbau dgn kicap.) Then I go mandi and then I paint bottles.Then I went back in to say what they were playing. Boy stuff(which could be Ultraman, Transformers or wateva fighting thinga majig!!!). I went up to play computer because Alya asked me to go online. Then when I finally finished with the computer, I went downstairs to see my second kuzens playing with my Monopoly: Malaysia Edition.Then I got to be the banker because no one was the banker so we play play play until lunch time. After that, we continued playing.I got to play to because we were playing a new game. Then Zarif quit. Then the 13 year old whoever I forgot his name was quit. Then it was only me and the Ithink he was 12 year old boy. I got a lot of property's and money. Called myself "Anak org kaya" heeheehee. I got a lot of thousands.When I came down with my famous cookies, they asked for it and they'll pay ten Monopoly ringgit. LOL. OK so then, we continued playing. Until we gave up. Because i had already had alot of Monopoly money and had played for one and a half hours non-stop. Then the boys play Zarif's PSP while I play my DS. Then my grandma came back from a lintah company (I dunno how to spell lintah in english!) and had brought back a cap, a certificate and... lintah! Three of them! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. She saw it on TV, people were holding 'em. So I don't excactly know what she did because I didn't even know she even went there. Well I think it's just icky. Well, thaz it for now. Ta-taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Byer bye.
(Zarif Shows PDA)
Mom: Zarif nyanyi boleh?
(Zarif shakes head)
Zarif: Tak nak.
Mommy, nak susu, nak susu, nak...
Mom:What do you have to say?
Zarif:Please!!! Nak susu! Nak susu!!!
It was very funny! You sshould've watched it! Well, I found my, er, my I think I should call them second kuzens watching TV. They were both boys and watching grown up stuff. They were just about maybe... 12 and... 13? Maybe I guess. Well anyway, we accidentally changed the channel to Astro Ceria and my brother asked us to stop there and watch Thomas & Frenz. Only about 5 or ten minutes and dah habis... then he FORCED us to watch PlayHouse Disney. At least there was like something INTERESTING to watch >Monster Inc.< So we watch sampai habis. In the middle of the show Kakak Sari served us breakfast in front of the TV. (Telur mata kerbau dgn kicap.) Then I go mandi and then I paint bottles.Then I went back in to say what they were playing. Boy stuff(which could be Ultraman, Transformers or wateva fighting thinga majig!!!). I went up to play computer because Alya asked me to go online. Then when I finally finished with the computer, I went downstairs to see my second kuzens playing with my Monopoly: Malaysia Edition.Then I got to be the banker because no one was the banker so we play play play until lunch time. After that, we continued playing.I got to play to because we were playing a new game. Then Zarif quit. Then the 13 year old whoever I forgot his name was quit. Then it was only me and the Ithink he was 12 year old boy. I got a lot of property's and money. Called myself "Anak org kaya" heeheehee. I got a lot of thousands.When I came down with my famous cookies, they asked for it and they'll pay ten Monopoly ringgit. LOL. OK so then, we continued playing. Until we gave up. Because i had already had alot of Monopoly money and had played for one and a half hours non-stop. Then the boys play Zarif's PSP while I play my DS. Then my grandma came back from a lintah company (I dunno how to spell lintah in english!) and had brought back a cap, a certificate and... lintah! Three of them! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. She saw it on TV, people were holding 'em. So I don't excactly know what she did because I didn't even know she even went there. Well I think it's just icky. Well, thaz it for now. Ta-taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Byer bye.
The creater of this post is;
Mitsu-san a.k.a. Hani
The time I posted this post iz...
4:59 PM
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